Here is what Mr. Schultz of Starbuck fame was trying to achieve; a little bit of Italy in America. At least he addressed the issue; now someone else has delivered the real goods. This is the company named

Caffe del Doge in Palo Alto, the only location in the USA at this time. This unique specialty coffee company has imported every thing one would hope to find in Italy, that is because their parent company roots are in Venice, Italy. Need we say more?
Yes! You can
Save $2,000 or more on the approximate cost of what you would need to spend, just traveling to Italy to have some great coffee. When the same wonderful coffee, espresso, and many other delights of Venice Italy are available right here in Palo Alto, Ca. close to Baghdad by the Bay.
Caffe del Doge419 University Ave
Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 323-3600